Smart Sensor

Products and Services

managed smart sensors

We offer highly configurable managed smart sensors which can be integrated into your existing infrastructure or act as a stand alone system. We will help you design and integrate new procedures which fully utilize our sensors. Capabilities of a smart sensor can be modified by requesting a change in its "toolbox" changing what it can see and detected easily without physically touching it.

Contact to start a discussion.


Dual Camera

Combines wide FOV with a zoom camera with high performance CPU.

Industrial Next

Through partnerships with hardware companies and COTS options, a variety of different platforms that can be selected based on customer needs. Please contact us for a discussion about cameras, lighting, and computing for your tasks. Unlike most industrial sensors, our software has been designed for unstructured lighting, reducing infrastructure costs and the need for high end equipment.

installation / cost model

Our smart sensors and software provide the inputs you need to add new inspections, track parts, localize robots, or enhance associate performance. The price model is designed around the highly dynamic and integrated modern manufacturing and supply-chain. Letting you pick and chose what you need and for how long you need it.

  • Initial deployment follows an iterative rapid prototyping approach drastically reducing risk and cost

  • Price per device depends on software packages and associated hardware

  • Monthly service fees which include adjustments for changes in your production

  • Devices continuously report their status alerting you to any issues instantly

  • Management can be stand alone, on-premise, or remotely

flexible capabilities

Over-the-air update capability enable updated to be tested and deployed safely without physically touching every device. What each sensor can detect and measure is determined by the toolbox installed. Meaning the same device can scan markers, size boxes, or detect defects, depending on the toolbox. Toolboxes can be change and reconfigured easily remotely in seconds. Of course it might be wise to swap out a different camera in certain applications or other adjustments.

Initial deployment

At NINOX 360 our strength lies in our ability to find the simplest solutions to get jobs done. In manufacturing and other target markets, it is rare for a one size fits all strategy to work. As a result for all customers we will follow an iterative approach to rapid prototyping where quantifiable results are used to decide if our products make sense to your business. Our products are delivered on managed smart devices with potentially other infrastructure (e.g. lighting) that are tailored to your application. A subscription model is used for different capabilities with hardware updates included and additional fees if extra tuning or integration work is needed outside of the allotted hours.

This approach is specifically designed to avoid catastrophic mistakes that we have personally experienced all heard of. Where a vendor sells a product to a company for millions of dollars, only for the customer to realize that it constantly fails and ends up ripping out the product. A common pattern in state of the art technology is for the initial test on a few examples to go amazingly well. Going from one off demo to full product is very difficult and even the most well known and respected high tech companies fail to create robust internal products using their own teams because they don't test enough during development.

Maintenance and Adjustments

After initial deployment and rapid prototyping has proven the effectiveness of the sensors they will be in running as a production system. Our software and capabilities are continuously being upgraded and as part of the service agreement your company can optionally have these updates installed on the devices using our remote management system. Care will be taken to avoid any interruption in production for an update.

A device can be reprovisioned to work on other tasks by simply changing which capability package it runs. This can all be done remotely.

other services

NINOX 360 supports several open source products and is capable of modifying others to suit your needs. We also offer general consulting services in the areas of robotics and manufacturing.